Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Covid Day - 176

What a stressful day! First day of DRe7 and it did not disappoint!! Just a view of what’s in store for the next 3 weeks! 

I just feel like I’m so stressed out and not dealing with this very well. It shouldn’t be so hard. How is everyone else dealing with this? I feel this stress will eventually impact me, and my loved ones - especially the two boys that are my life. And I understand that’s not good. 
I played for half hour with A today - puzzles. And it felt really good! It really felt good cuz I stopped my kitchen work and actually sat down to play with him. Then I got up to do something and bam - my nemesis - pee pee accident 🤦‍♀️ And I lost it! I showed my frustration on the restroom door and A lost it. He was wailing and acting just like I did! Gosh! Then it occurred to me - that’s what I’m teaching him! That’s what he sees me do and that’s what he will learn. Good lord! I calmed myself down. Didn’t scream or seem angry. I have him a shower and fed him. But I just continue to feel yucky about not giving him as much attention as I give to work! What the fuck is it with me and work? Don’t I just simply understand priorities in my life? Why do I let my work rule my life? Why can’t it be the other way around? This is something I have to fix. If not it’s really going to have a big impact on my life. It’s my life vs work and I have to learn to see the difference. I have to learn to balance them out better. Maybe I need coaching in time management. But whatever it is - I acknowledge that I need to work on this. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Covid Day - 174!!

Can you imagine! 174 days since we’ve been home! This is just plain ridiculous. What unprecedented times man! Getting close to 180 days - 6 freaking months! 

What happened to the last 174 days, how did they pass, what could have been different, could this have been averted, is this the only way...oh gosh! I guess this is the way of life now-that’s prolly why I haven’t even come to my blog for the last few weeks and I’ve lost the interest to blog everyday. Cuz to be honest, what am I going say anything different?! Same old routine - work, workout, Ari, eat, sleep and that’s it! 
I’ve done a few things differently in the last few months though - started intermittent fasting (14-16 hour fast everyday), started waking up in the morning to finish workouts (yes I am!) and taking more stress at work (cuz I don’t have any better way to handle it!). We got back yday from a gorgeous weekend in Destin (I’ll write a separate post about it) and we had a blast!! Just that I’m super tired and feels like my body is beat down to pulp from all the driving and water activities! Need a vacation from a vacation- so should we even go on a vacation in the first place? 🤔