Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The end of an era!

We dismantled aris crib today. And he transitioned to a big boy bed! More than being excited about his transition I feel really sad about the crib and all the memories I had with it. All the sleepless nights that I spent when he was a baby putting him to sleep and all the frustrations that came out of it. Jeez. And it suddenly hit me that the Frisco house will be sold soon too. It’s under contract now and will close in a month. What memories we had in that house. Ari being born was the biggest one and all the struggles we went through to get there. All the days I cursed my looooong drive to SWA. Somehow all of that magically disappeared after we moved to Castillo. Shouldn’t I be happy about that? Why am I brooding over something that caused me pain instead of enjoying my current state of happiness? Why do I always look back into the past and try to recreate memories? Those are anchors that are rigging me down. I need to look ahead, be thankful for my happy life (knock on wood) and move on!